jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Journey Around a Poetic World in an Indecipherable Eternity [with the Cosmic Replicant]

Wake up - Cosmic Replicant

Journey Around a Poetic World in an Indecipherable Eternity

 The poet, in the non-transferable journey of Persephone to her personal Hades, runs through the abyssal hall of a thousand mirrors in search of an identity that he feels broken, missing, not realizing in the anguish of that death that he is repeating the archetype of death-resurrection by which consciousness expands without limits and he sees himself in all. He shall exit his own Minotaur's labyrinth only if he accepts his new identity: he lacks body. These poems were materialized, roughly, between the years 2004 - 2007.
  The evolution of human species in its forms, in its appearance, goes from the hand of an expansion of consciousness which, in its creation-destruction, goes from the hand of the whole life, with no rational fissures, as a form of intelligence that transcends us and whose origin goes back to eternity. Were us fish, dinosaur, monkey or human beings here on this planet, it is not cause or effect of the rational aspect of this unknown intelligence or primordial fire. At any rate, the bacteria or algae of the moon Titan methane lakes are probably very previous to the formation of the Earth without being us the cause of that 'life' until recently 'unthinkable'.
  This poetry book collects the author's rage to this limitation or lack of the instrumental mind, his blindness and anthropocentrism, while the fascination with the infinity of 'life' and its 'unthinkable' manifestations as well as with the love for human beings' fragility and our emotions in this mysterious journey and expansion of our universe, collective as well as individual.

 You can get it at the link above.

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