viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016

Christmas Ode [with Shakti and John McLaughlin]

Face to Face - Shakti (with Sir John McLaughlin)

"tuyo el poder y la gloria" hermana Yin,
mujer de Shiva, benevolente materia que con
formas el Mundo,
Face to Face
with the Western form 
of Time celebration, cicles,
circles, seasons' rebirthing
void and resetting of the worn
information, motion emotions,
whatever seemed alive dead,
whatever seemed to die alive,
species' will beyond
personal perceptions, rare,
strange to them, now fast
then slow the curving
spoon of ideas
light crossing each atom, 
each galaxy: Christmas come
once more on the minds' line, 
the reUnion of life and death

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