Interstellar Soundtrack - Hans Zimmer
the child=the daughter=the Earth=mother
We are all the child whom death/
abandonment/separation (the big fracture,
the original wound) makes her/us feel neglected,
betrayed=wrath (the wrath of god), rage=
fear, the figure of father-god who seems
to desert his/her children/Earth to
their fate, the archetype of the cosmic fault,
separation, the excision body/soul,
the heroic figure then of the redeemer,
the saviour, father-son-the holy spirit(=the ghost),
interstellar the reUnion of body/soul
in a dimension alien to the one of senses=
an evolution, quote after quote,
of Kubrick's filmic thought:
no communication at all (Bowman's
aseptic loneliness in his neoclassical room)
without emotional bond:
Cooper-Amelia the meeting
of a thought-discourse that leaves
duality behind,
a new perception in
a new pentadimensional reality,
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