domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

The Four Feathers, with Thom Brennan`s Mist (Tr.Spa-Eng review)

Mist - Thom Brennan

Director: Shekhar Kapur
Writers: A.E.W. Mason (novel), Michael Schiffer  and  Hossein Amini  (screenplay)
Stars: Heath Ledger, Wes Bentley, Kate Hudson... 

 From a child Harry Feversham had very clear the glorious military past of his family, so that he would also be destined to the army. The stories of heroism in the battle which he hears his father and his friends tell when they gather produce him a great restlessness, since he does not believe that he can be at their height, the fear of a possible cowardice pursues him. After finishing at University, Harry Feversham joins the regiment of his father, and lives with the fear of a conflict that would require him to show his bravery or his courage. Through his friend Durrance he meets a beautiful girl, Ethne Eustace, with whom he gets engaged, and in his interior he imagines a life of tranquillity next to her.

 One night, having dinner with his friends to celebrate his engagement with Ethne, he receives a telegram prompting him to rejoin his regiment to go to North Africa, where a bloody campaign is expected. Harry Feversham presents his resignation and travels to Ireland to hold the wedding celebration dance with Ethne. In the course of the party a package arrives in the name of Harry and when he opens it he finds three white feathers. Ethne, present when he opens the box, asks him for an explanation, and when Harry tells her that they are three accusations of cowardice for having abandoned his regiment ahead of the fight, Ethne adds a fourth feather from her fan, and breaks their engagement without listening to Harry while directing him harsh words. 
 Harry, after reflexion and from his pain, will decide to go to Sudan, after his regiment, and redeem his act so that his three friends get the white feathers back, and so Ethne removes her own. One after another, he will achieve what he has decided based on courage and bravery.

Director: alexander Korda
Writers: A.E.W. Mason (novel), R.C. Sherriff (screenplay), Lajos Biró and  Arthur Wimperis (additional dialogues)
Stars: John Clements, Ralph Richardson, June Duprez, C. Aubrey Smith

Tr. Spa-Eng from a review by marisasuso in Shvoong

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