lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015

Helen Shucmann's Gifts (The Dream of Fear)

 "Fear is the one emotion of the world. 
 Its forms are many---call them what you will---
 but it is one in content. 
 Never far, even in form, from 
 what its purpose is, 
 never with power to escape 
 its cause, and 
 never but a counterfeit of joy, 
 it rests uncertainly upon a bed 
 of lies. Here it was born and sheltered 
 by its seeming comfort. Here it will 
 remain where it was born, and where 
 its end will come. For here is 
 nothingness, where neither birth or death 
 is real, nor any form 
 in the misshapen mind 
 that spawned. Its seeming life has 
any meaning 
in the Mind of God."

pic: Optical Intelligence

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